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Silver Thiosulfate (STS) for feminised seed production

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Silver Thiosulfate (STS) is commonly used to block the action of ethylene in plant cell cultures. Ethylene is a hormone that is present in the gaseous state. Ethylene increases during senescence and ripening, and has been shown to increase in plant cell cultures due to wounding or the presence of auxins. Silver nitrate may be used alone to block the action of ethylene but it is not transported as well as STS, thus it is seldom used alone. Silver Thiosulfate has many uses, including to prevent flower abscission in potted plants and to induce male flowers on female plants of dioecious species, such as in the case of hemp, in the production of ‘feminised seeds’, where female flowers pollinated with the converted male flowers produce seeds that will only be female.

The STS solution is prepared with a molar ratio between silver and thiosulfate of 1:4, respectively. Nearly all of the silver present in the solution is in the form of [Ag (S2O3)2] 3-, the active complex for ethylene effect inhibition.

Silver Nitrate MW: 169.87g/mol (into 20mL water only = 0.34g) = 0.1M Silver Nitrate Stock Solution A
Sodium Thiosulfate MW: 158.11g/mol  (into 80mL water only = 1.2g) = 0.1M Sodium Thiosulfate Stock Solution B
Slowly mix both packets individually with distilled water just prior to application, solutions can be stored in fridge for up to a month for best results. Mix solutions together at time of application.

Our STS comes with an information sheet on how best to utilise this product.

If you need a spray bottle to apply, we have them here.

1 packet Silver Nitrate (0.34g) and 1 packet of Sodium Thiosulfate(1.2g)

Silver nitrate compound summary and safety information

Sodium thiosulfate compound summary and safety information




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