Psychotria cv. ‘DW07’ (plant)
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Psychotria cv. DW07 is cross between ‘Nexus’ and Psychotria viridis ‘Shipibo’; bred by Darren at Herbalistics. Psychotria cv. Nexus is the pistillate parent and Psychotria viridis ‘Shipibo’ is the staminate parent. DW07 is an unusual cultivar, displaying varying degrees of variegation. Generally it displays a golden colour to the leaves and is quite attractive. Slightly slower growing than some of the other Psychotria hybrids, as is generally the case with variegated plants, due to the lack of chlorophyll in the leaves.
Psychotria viridis and P. carthagenensis are used in the traditional psychoactive medicine Ayahuasca; a brew of Banisteriopsis caapi (occasionally alone but most often with Psychotria viridis) as the base and other plants are sometimes added, depending on the problems and conditions of the patient that need to be examined.
Psychotria viridis contains dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a psychoactive substance found across the plant kingdom in many family, genera and thousands of species (large numbers of Australian Acacia species and other natives contain DMT), often only as trace amounts. DW07 has not been specifically analysed as the current legalities surrounding that would not legally permit it.
Care and Cultivation of Psychotria cv ‘DW07’
Psychotria cv. DW07 prefers a part shade, moist, well-drained position in the garden and a rich loam soil with adequate fertiliser. DW07 has performed well in our subtropical climatic extremes experienced here in SE QLD, ranging from low to high humidity, temperatures from 0-43°C over the year. It will have minimal frost tolerance and is about as drought tolerant as the parents, please share your cultivation experiences with us by posting a review..
For more in depth information, please check out our Psychotria growing guide here.
1 plant
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