Nicotiana excelsior – Piturrba (seed)
Nicotiana excelsior is a strong leafy plant almost devoid of hairs, its large alternate leaves and a dull green and mostly smooth. The tubular white flowers are very pleasantly night scented. Annual to short lived perennial.
Nicotiana excelsior is restricted to ranges of north-western SA and southern NT where it grows in sheltered areas in rocky gullies and creek lines. Collections from Fraser Ra. WA, and Mt. Lyndhurst, SA, may not be from natural populations since the species is highly valued by Aborigines and probably dispersed by them to areas outside natural range. Highly valued by Aboriginals as a native tobacco, the leaves contain nicotine and nor-nicotine. It was traditionally mixed with ash and chewed. Nicotiana excelsior info at Flora SA
Care and Cultivation of Nicotiana excelsior
Nicotiana excelsior does not require any special treatment to germinate. Simply sow Nicotiana excelsior like other tobacco seeds (sprinkle on the surface of a good quality sandy/well drained potting mix and water in gently. Germination will occur within 7-21 days. A good soil mix is high in inorganic materials such as sand, pumice, gravel, etc. Keep moist until germination. Likes plenty of roots pace in a sandy/well drained position. Full sun. Drought tolerant. I find this species does best in SE QLD autumn and winter.
Approx 25+ seeds per packet
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