Elettaria cardamomum – Cardamom (plant)
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Elettaria cardamomum is the well known spice plant, does it need an introduction? Our plants were grown from fresh imported seed . The fresh seeds smell amazing! This is not the ‘fake Cardamom’ (Alpinia calcarata or Cardamom Ginger) sold for many years in Australia as real Cardamom. Alpinia calcarata has amazing smelling leaves useful for cooking and tea but does not produce cardamom seeds. More info at Wikipedia.
Care and Cultivation of Elettaria cardamomum
Elettaria cardamomum likes a part shade position with rich humus or sandy/humus soil, well drained and lots of root space. Up to 1-2m tall and spreading slowly, like ginger. Fertilise well when actively growing. More suited to tropical climates but will survive sub-tropics if protected over the colder months. Don’t cut back before winter as this can increase mortality.
1 plant, seed grown
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